Low-Level PFAS

PFAS (Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances) are a class of synthetic chemicals used extensively in the manufacture of consumer, medical, and industrial products. Known as โ€œForever Chemicals,โ€ their strong carbon-fluorine bonds make them unusually resistant to heat, water, oil, and grease. Their remarkable durability makes them both incredibly useful and potentially hazardous.

firefighter putting out a fire

PFAS are nearly indestructible. Because they can't be broken down by sunlight, oxidation, or hydrolysis, they persist for years. Besides polluting the initial site and endangering nearby inhabitants, PFAS tend to spread out and endanger the entire ecosystem. Traces of PFAS chemicals have been found in some of the most remote areas of the Earth, carried far from their initial point of contamination by rain, rivers, and migrating wildlife โ€’ creating a potential risk to the environment and our communities.

Research suggests that even low-level PFAS are harmful to human health, which is why so many cities, businesses, and developers put their trust in Illini Environmental. Our treatment and remediation technology provides practical, long-term solutions for PFAS contamination. Through a set of carefully tested techniques, we detect, isolate, immobilize, extract, and safely dispose of PFAS in order to ensure regulatory compliance and the well-being of towns and cities.

Sources of PFAS

PFAS have hundreds of industrial applications. Besides being tough and stable, PFAS also create protective barriers that repel water and oil, which makes them an invaluable resources for:

  • Aerospace
  • Construction
  • Food Processing
  • Healthcare
  • Textile Production
  • Electronics Manufacturing
  • Automotive Manufacturing

These same properties also make them a common component of goods, such as:

  • Food Packaging
  • Clothing
  • Fabrics
  • Carpets and Upholstery
  • Cookware
  • Makeup, Dental Floss, and Moisturizers
  • Air Fresheners
  • Floor Polish
  • Paint
  • AFFF Firefighting Foam

PFAS are also surfactants: compounds that decrease the surface tension of liquids, allowing them to spread faster over a given area. Adding them to shampoo and detergent creates larger volumes of lather, while adding them to firefighting foam helps it expand quickly when deployed โ€’ turning fires into a potential source of contamination.

Dangers of PFAS

Because there are thousands of PFAS compounds, researchers cannot yet say for certain whether every PFAS is hazardous or only certain combinations. Studies are still ongoing, but evidence has linked low-level PFAS to several negative health outcomes, including:

  • Obesity
  • High Cholesterol
  • Decreased Fertility
  • Underactive Thyroid
  • Weakened Immune Response
  • Increased Risk of Prostate, Kidney, and Testicular Cancer
  • Developmental Delays in Children, Such as Low Birth Weight, Lower Bone Density, and Adverse Neurodevelopment
hazmat workers throwing foam

Cleanup & Disposal of Low-Level PFAS

Along with our partners at O6 Environmental, Illini remediation teams have the training, resources, and experience to effectively remove, destroy and dispose of low-level PFAS in the soil and groundwater. Depending on the extent of the contamination and the properties of the chemicals involved, our solutions include:


Polluted soil is dug up and transported to licensed hazardous waste facilities, where it can be processed and stored.

Thermal Treatment

Heating polluted soil vaporizes PFAS compounds. Our approach prevents the formation of harmful byproducts while capturing or incinerating gaseous compounds before they can escape into the atmosphere.

Chemical Treatment

Oxidizers such as ozone or hydrogen peroxide are injected into the soil or groundwater in order to break PFAS down into less harmful substances.


We construct a clay seal around the contaminated soil or install a geomembrane made from clay or high-density plastic, creating an impenetrable barrier that protects the surrounding environment.

Activated Carbon Treatment

Pumps groundwater up through a set of activated carbon filters, which absorb PFAS particles.

Ion Exchange

Selectively removes PFAS compounds from water by swapping them with ions from other substances, such as chloride or sulfate.

Membrane Filtration

Passing contaminated water through a semipermeable membrane that traps PFAS particles. The water is then released back into the environment, while PFAS waste is collected, treated, and disposed of.

Call Illini For PFAS Disposal

Low-level PFAS contamination is an ongoing concern for any location involved in manufacturing or heavy industry. Unless addressed promptly, PFAS can migrate through soil and groundwater, endangering wildlife and human health.

Illini manages low-level PFAS waste, including wastewaters and firefighting foams, according to strict guidelines laid down by the EPA. We isolate, treat, and dispose of hazardous materials, removing the danger to your property, as well as neighboring communities and their ecosystems.

Contact us today to learn how we can deliver a customized and comprehensive solution for your project needs.

Your Waste Management and Recycling Partner for 20 Years

Illini Environmental handles time-sensitive situations with professionalism, safety, and efficiency. Staffed with career specialists experienced in resource conservation and recovery, we manage unique materials and major projects, while ensuring regulatory compliance and responsible environmental stewardship.

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