Responsible Solutions for Industrial Waste

Creative solutions for non-hazardous waste, delivered faster, better, and safer.

Illini Environmental treats, transports, and disposes of special and non-hazardous wastes.

Working hand-in-hand with cities and companies to build safe and sustainable communities across the Midwest, our environmental services reduce risk and produce new value streams for any product or process.

Illini blue tanker truck

We actively manage liability for large and small businesses through a comprehensive range of remediation tactics designed to safeguard soil, groundwater, and human health.

worker industrial cleaning

Industrial Cleaning Services

We provide trained personnel and specialized equipment to decontaminate workspaces and machinery at industrial, manufacturing, and warehouse facilities without disrupting your operations.

non hazardous waste disposal

Non-Hazardous Waste Disposal

Our experts identify industrial waste generated by the production of consumer goods and manufacturing materials, and coordinate transportation to a designated treatment, storage, and disposal facility.

vacuum truck trailer

Vacuum Truck Services

Versatile and reliable equipment and tankers remove, transport, and dispose of a wide range of liquid and solid waste. Our experienced crews make sure your facilities are cleaned safely, swiftly, and thoroughly.

Illini tanker truck

Bulk Liquid Transport

To ensure safety and reliability, Illini transports liquids in fully insulated, stainless steel tanker trucks. To avoid spills and accidents, our operators receive extensive instruction on safe driving and chemical handling.

worker taking soil sample

Lab Pack Services

Through a combination of on-site services and technical support, our environmental services team consolidates and prepares a variety of hazardous and/or non-hazardous waste, including lab waste or full facility cleanouts, for shipment to a landfill, treatment center, or hazardous waste TSDF where it can be contained, neutralized or stabilized, and then properly disposed.

Illini blue storage tanks

Used Oil Services

After analyzing an oil sample, trained personnel will determine the best method for recycling of all used oil and water contaminated used oil. If present, water will be separated and removed from the oil, and 100% of the remaining oil will be shipped for reuse.

worker driving forklift into truck

Consumer Product De-packaging

Using state-of-the-art equipment, Illini is able to de-package various consumer products, providing a โ€˜zero landfillโ€™ alternative to customers. Up to 100% of the liquid and plastic waste generated through de-packaging is recycled.

workers talking in front of tanks

10-Day Hazardous Waste Transfer Facility

Illini offers full service transportation of a variety of hazardous waste ensuring RCRA regulated materials reach fulfillment of the โ€œcradle-to-graveโ€ requirements. Our facility operates as a central location for hazardous waste to be held for up to 10-days prior to shipping to an appropriate hazardous waste TSDF for final disposal.

Your Waste Management and Recycling Partner for 20 Years

Illini Environmental handles time-sensitive situations with professionalism, safety, and efficiency. Staffed with career specialists experienced in resource conservation and recovery, we manage unique materials and major projects, while ensuring regulatory compliance and responsible environmental stewardship.

Ready to move forward?

When it comes to customer satisfaction, we hold ourselves to a higher standard. No matter the challenge, we donโ€™t stop until your needs are met.

Contact us today to get your next project started.

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